Statue of Jupiter
Jupiter, the Roman god equivalent to Zeus, is the supreme power, presiding over the council of the gods. He was originally the god of the sky, who could cause rain, throw thunder and lightning and who maintained order and justice in the world. It is for this reason that his attributes include the sceptre (which he holds here in his right hand) and winged lightning (in his left hand). He is the guarantor of fidelity to treaties, and officials (consuls and emperors) in particular placed themselves under his protection.
Here, the head of the god expresses the power of one who controls the storms; the serene greatness of one who ensures justice on earth as in heaven. His thick and abundant hair is held by a band from which undulating curls escape around his face. His opulent beard add to the vigour of a determined chin. The statue's stance, with one leg slightly bent, and his appearance as a man in the prime of his life, impose the respect of the viewer.
Acquired with the support of the Regional Acquisition Fund for Museums.